
Working with online payments

If you would like your customers to pay during the booking process, you can use our integrated online payment system. By default, PayPal will be used as a payment provider, however you can also use one of the following payment providers: Stripe, Mollie, Square, ePay, Paystack, PayU or Mercado Pago.

To use PayPal, all you have to do is set up a free PayPal account. Your clients are not required to have a PayPal account, they can simply pay using their credit card, much like the normal merchant processing experience. If you would like to use a different payment provider, follow the steps on the page Configuring a Payment Provider. That page also contains instructions on how to use the more advanced PayPal gateway called PayPal Checkout.

Select payment and/or approval option of choice
  1. On the Process tab, under Require payment or approval?, select Complete payment before continuing and press Save changes at the bottom of the screen. This will take you back to the Overview tab of the configuration screen.
  2. Select the Process tab again and click the Payment set up link to the right of the Require payment or approval? section header.
  3. Under ‘General Settings’ select the third gateway mode: Automatic – PayPal and press Save changes. This will take you back to your Dashboard.
Setting up online payment

The rest of the configuration is done on the PayPal site. Please refer to Setting up a PayPal account.

When a client makes a booking, that booking is put on your schedule right away, in order to avoid anyone else taking the same spot. It is, however, marked as ‘pending’ until payment is received. Once PayPal confirms payment, the booking is confirmed and email confirmations are sent out to you and the client, if configured. If payment somehow fails, the pending booking will be removed from your schedule after 15 minutes. If payment comes in after that time, the booking will be reinstated. In case the spot has been taken in the meantime the administrator will be notified.

You can configure PayPal to add taxes or shipping to your payments. These taxes are then added at checkout, but not shown in the SuperSaaS interface.

Testing online payments

There are two easy ways to test your online payment set-up. One option is to make a booking on the live system and directly reverse it. This will come at a small cost, as PayPal charges you a fee for the refund (typically around $0.30). Alternatively, you can test the payment process using our test payment button. It simulates the payment process without using a third party provider. It becomes available when you switch on the Test Mode. To do this, go to the Payment Setup page and check the option Test mode. Switch to the sandbox gateway… A blue test button will now appear on the Payment screen.

If you want to do more extensive testing, while avoiding the refund charges, you can switch the gateway to test mode in combination with a PayPal developer account.

Testing on the live system

To test your online payment set-up using the live system, log in as a user and make a booking that requires payment. If you don’t see a payment page during the booking process, here are a few things that could cause the problem:

  • You might have set a price below $1.00 (the minimum amount allowed for automatic payments)
  • You might be logged in as superuser or administrator and have selected the option Automatically approve bookings by a superuser… on the Configure > Process tab
  • You might have enabled the credit system and the user you logged in as has credit left. In particular the administrator always has unlimited credit

Clicking the Pay now button will take you to the PayPal site, where you can make the payment. Note that PayPal does not allow you to send money to yourself, so you will have to use another credit card – different from the one that is associated with your PayPal account – or another PayPal account – different from the one that is associated with your SuperSaaS schedule – to make the payment. After completing the payment, you will be returned to your schedule. Once PayPal notifies SuperSaaS that payment was received, the booking’s status will be updated and confirmation emails get sent.

To reverse the payment, you will have to log in to your PayPal account. On the Overview tab, under My recent activity, find the payment you just made to yourself to test the system and click the Issue refund button, situated in the Order status/Actions column. This will open another page, where you can make the actual refund (The page where you have to confirm the actual refund will also inform you about the refund fee you’ll be charged).

PayPal account overview

A few minutes after you refund the payment through PayPal, the booking should be deleted from your schedule. You can find out what happened to a booking by going to the Supervisor page. The Show Trash option shows deleted items. On a Capacity-type schedule you will first need to “zoom in” to a class using the icon to see the link leading to the trash. The payment indicators will explain whether a booking was deleted because of a refund – R – or any other reason. Note that if you or your users cancel a booking via SuperSaaS, it will not be automatically refunded. However, if you refund a payment through PayPal, the corresponding booking will automatically be cancelled at the SuperSaaS site.